Throughput analysis of an extended service set in IEEE 802.11

Mustafa Ergen*, Baris Dundar, Pravin Varaiya

*Bu çalışma için yazışmadan sorumlu yazar

Araştırma sonucu: Konferansa katkıYazıbilirkişi

11 Atıf (Scopus)


We present a method to determine the throughput of an extended service set in an IEEE 802.11 network. The method combines two tools. The first tool takes the location of access points and a floor plan and uses an RF propagation model to predict the spatial distribution of SNR and interference that mobile stations will experience. The second tool takes the SNR of mobile stations and predicts system throughput, based on an analytical Markov chain model. The method can help to intelligently plan WLAN deployment.

Orijinal dilİngilizce
Sayfa sayısı6
Yayın durumuYayınlandı - 2004
Harici olarak yayınlandıEvet
EtkinlikGLOBECOM'04 - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - Dallas, TX, United States
Süre: 29 Kas 20043 Ara 2004


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???GLOBECOM'04 - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
Ülke/BölgeUnited States
ŞehirDallas, TX

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Throughput analysis of an extended service set in IEEE 802.11' araştırma başlıklarına git. Birlikte benzersiz bir parmak izi oluştururlar.

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