The Effect of Municipal Solid Incineration Fly Ash on Mechanical Properties of Mortar

Ismail Altindag*, U. Anil Dogan

*Bu çalışma için yazışmadan sorumlu yazar

Araştırma sonucu: Kitap/Rapor/Konferans Bildirisinde BölümKonferans katkısıbilirkişi


Domestic-based waste or Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) amount has been increasing gradually past 50 years in parallel to increasing human needs. Most countries have incineration facilities to burn MSW to lower the waste volume by 90% and produce electric energy. On the other hand, the incineration process forms a serious amount of MSW Incineration Bottom Ash (MSWI-BA) and Fly Ash (MSWI-FA). In late 2021, Istanbul Municipality established an MSW incineration facility that has 3000 tons/day capacity. As a result of the incineration process, 400 tons of MSWI-BA and 200 tons of MSWI-FA are released in Istanbul daily. This study investigates the possible usage of MSWI-FA for commercial concrete by analyzing the fresh and hardened properties of mortars containing MSWI-FA. Mortar mixes were prepared with 3 variables and 2, 3 and 4°. The variables have been selected as W/C ratio with respectively 0.5 and 0.6; cement dosage with respectively 450, 500 and 550 kg/m3; MSWI-BA substitution with cement by weight with respectively 0%, 10%, 15% and 20%. To evaluate the utility of MSWI-BA in concrete, flexural strength, compressive strength, and capillary water absorption of mortars have been evaluated at the hardened phase. In addition, workability and unit weight of mortar has been determined at fresh state.

Orijinal dilİngilizce
Ana bilgisayar yayını başlığıBuilding for the Future
Ana bilgisayar yayını alt yazısıDurable, Sustainable, Resilient - Proceedings of the Symposium 2023 - Volume 1
EditörlerAlper Ilki, Derya Çavunt, Yavuz Selim Çavunt
YayınlayanSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Sayfa sayısı9
ISBN (Basılı)9783031325182
Yayın durumuYayınlandı - 2023
EtkinlikInternational Symposium of the International Federation for Structural Concrete, fib Symposium 2023 - Istanbul, Turkey
Süre: 5 Haz 20237 Haz 2023

Yayın serisi

AdıLecture Notes in Civil Engineering
Hacim349 LNCE
ISSN (Basılı)2366-2557
ISSN (Elektronik)2366-2565


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???International Symposium of the International Federation for Structural Concrete, fib Symposium 2023

Bibliyografik not

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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