Scour patterns around isolated vegetation elements

Oral Yagci*, Mehmet Furkan Celik, Vasileios Kitsikoudis, V. S. Ozgur Kirca, Can Hodoglu, Manousos Valyrakis, Zaide Duran, Sinasi Kaya

*Bu çalışma için yazışmadan sorumlu yazar

Araştırma sonucu: Dergiye katkıMakalebilirkişi

59 Atıf (Scopus)


The complex multi-directional interactions between hydrological, biological and fluvial processes govern the formation and evolution of river landscapes. In this context, as key geomorphological agents, riparian trees are particularly important in trapping sediment and constructing distinct landforms, which subsequently evolve to larger ones. The primary objective of this paper is to experimentally investigate the scour/deposition patterns around different forms of individual vegetation elements. Flume experiments were conducted in which the scour patterns around different representative forms of individual in-stream obstructions (solid cylinder, hexagonal array of circular cylinders, several forms of emergent and submerged vegetation) were monitored by means of a high-resolution laser scanner. The three dimensional scour geometry around the simulated vegetation elements was quantified and discussed based on the introduced dimensionless morphometric characteristics. The findings reveal that the intact vegetation forms generated two elongated scour holes at the downstream with a pronounced ridge. For the impermeable form of the plant, the scour got localized, more deposition was detected within the monitoring zone, and the distance between the obstruction and deposition zone became shorter. It is also shown that with the effect of bending and the subsequent decrease of the projected area of the plant and the increase of bulk volume, the characteristic scour values decrease compared to the intact version, and the scour zone obtains a more elongated form and expands in the downstream direction.

Orijinal dilİngilizce
Sayfa (başlangıç-bitiş)251-265
Sayfa sayısı15
DergiAdvances in Water Resources
Yayın durumuYayınlandı - 1 Kas 2016

Bibliyografik not

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd


The financial support provided to Vasileios Kitsikoudis from Anastasios Anastasiadis foundation (grant number 63310/25-09-2013) for the first part of this study and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) - Fellowship Program 2216 (Ref. No. 21514107-115.02-45898 ) for post-doctoral research in Istanbul Technical University for the final part of this study is gratefully acknowledged. Manousos Valyrakis acknowledges the support of the Royal Society (Research grant RG2015 R1 68793/1 ) and the Royal Society of Edinburg (Crucible Award). The authors thank the anonymous Reviewers for their constructive comments.

FinansörlerFinansör numarası
Anastasios Anastasiadis foundation63310/25-09-2013
Royal Society of Edinburg
Royal SocietyRG2015 R1 68793/1
Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu
Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi

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