Freeze-thaw durability of lime based FRCM systems for strengthening historical masonry

Bekir Yilmaz Pekmezci*, Egemen Arabaci, Cenk Ustundag

*Bu çalışma için yazışmadan sorumlu yazar

Araştırma sonucu: Kitap/Rapor/Konferans Bildirisinde BölümKonferans katkısıbilirkişi

10 Atıf (Scopus)


In recent years, FRCM systems have become a preferred strengthening system in reinforced concrete structures together with masonry structures. The most important factor in the choice of FRCM as a strengthening system is its compatibility with concrete or masonry substrates. In addition, high fire resistance is an important factor in its preference. The components of FRCM composites are known to have high durability separately. However, the durability of composites, composed of a combination of fabric and matrices is still a matter of no detailed reported knowledge. In this experimental study, the durability properties of FRCM composites with lime matrix reinforced with glass and glass-polypropylene hybrid fabrics were investigated. Composite samples were subjected to tensile and flexural tests before and after freeze thaw cycles. Load-deformation relations were obtained. As a result of the experimental study, the following results can be drawn: Following freeze thaw cycles, reduction in the bending and tensile performances of the biaxial glass fabric reinforced composite samples as well as matrix samples were obtained. A significant decrease of deformation capability was determined for biaxial glass fabric reinforced matrices and plain matrix.

Orijinal dilİngilizce
Ana bilgisayar yayını başlığıMechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials III - 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials, MuRiCo 2019
EditörlerAngelo Di Tommaso, Cristina Gentilini, Giovanni Castellazzi
YayınlayanTrans Tech Publications Ltd
Sayfa sayısı8
ISBN (Basılı)9783035715651
Yayın durumuYayınlandı - 2019
Etkinlik6th International Conference on Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials, MuRiCo6 2019 - Bologna, Italy
Süre: 26 Haz 201928 Haz 2019

Yayın serisi

AdıKey Engineering Materials
Hacim817 KEM
ISSN (Basılı)1013-9826
ISSN (Elektronik)1662-9795


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???6th International Conference on Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials, MuRiCo6 2019

Bibliyografik not

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland.

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