Electricity generation has always been a debatable topic to investigate since industrialization grows up day by day. The accurate planning and directing of the system of supplying electricity depends on reliable modelling and forecasting. Better forecasting and modelling provide more efficient planning, more suitable investments of time, cost and performance and more satisfied customers and citizens. A suitable forecast model for electricity generation is a difficult process to perform, since it involves many parameters such as climate conditions, population, industrial tendency and habitualness of each country or region. In this paper, we tried to forecast electricity generation and shares by energy resources in Turkey by using Time Series Analysis in R software. The study provides not only an effective forecasting for electricity consumption in order to meet the demand in Turkey, but also an efficient segmentation according to the shares by energy resources since the usage of electricity differs from resources. The data, which correspond to the period 1970–2018, are used to forecast the electricity generation in Turkey.
Orijinal dil | İngilizce |
Ana bilgisayar yayını başlığı | Digital Conversion on the Way to Industry 4.0 - Selected Papers from ISPR2020, 2020 Online - Turkey |
Editörler | Numan M. Durakbasa, M. Güneş Gençyılmaz |
Yayınlayan | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH |
Sayfalar | 115-120 |
Sayfa sayısı | 6 |
ISBN (Basılı) | 9783030627836 |
DOI'lar | |
Yayın durumu | Yayınlandı - 2021 |
Etkinlik | International Symposium for Production Research, ISPR 2020 - Antalya, Turkey Süre: 24 Eyl 2020 → 26 Eyl 2020 |
Yayın serisi
Adı | Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
ISSN (Basılı) | 2195-4356 |
ISSN (Elektronik) | 2195-4364 |
???event.eventtypes.event.conference??? | International Symposium for Production Research, ISPR 2020 |
Ülke/Bölge | Turkey |
Şehir | Antalya |
Periyot | 24/09/20 → 26/09/20 |
Bibliyografik not
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