Enterprise governance and boundary decisions: The case of wireless technology

Babak Heydari*, Matthias Finger

*Bu çalışma için yazışmadan sorumlu yazar

Araştırma sonucu: Kitap/Rapor/Konferans Bildirisinde BölümKonferans katkısıbilirkişi


In this paper, the issue of boundary is investigated as an important enterprise governance problem. The Mechanism and systemic trends that affect the enterprise value chain are discussed from a system of systems perspective. Then, from the enterprise governance perspective, the value chain is divided into competition, collaboration, and observation. This division is considered as dynamic and is related to enterprise differentiating factors. The boundaries of these sections are analyzed based on a model developed within the new institutional economics framework. The paper ends with a case study for the boundary decision of the high quality wireless video service analyzed with the proposed model.

Orijinal dilİngilizce
Ana bilgisayar yayını başlığı2011 IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2011 - Proceedings
Sayfa sayısı4
Yayın durumuYayınlandı - 2011
Harici olarak yayınlandıEvet
Etkinlik2011 5th IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2011 - Montreal, QC, Canada
Süre: 4 Nis 20117 Nis 2011

Yayın serisi

Adı2011 IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2011 - Proceedings


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???2011 5th IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2011
ŞehirMontreal, QC

Parmak izi

Enterprise governance and boundary decisions: The case of wireless technology' araştırma başlıklarına git. Birlikte benzersiz bir parmak izi oluştururlar.

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