Computer-aided design analysis of bus structures

I. Murat Ereke*, Kubilay Yay

*Bu çalışma için yazışmadan sorumlu yazar

Araştırma sonucu: Konferansa katkıYazıbilirkişi


Modern design techniques primarily consist of finite element analysis of the vehicle body in a computational media. In this study, an actual minibus body of domestic production has been modeled in three-dimensions by means of IDEAS program, and first of all, behavior against the twist has been examined and cross section of the structure elements have been optimized. On the bus bodies, ceiling collapse takes places the first sequences in the passive safety rules. From this point of view, cage construction should be needed to be optimized against the ceiling collapse.

Orijinal dilİngilizce
Sayfa sayısı7
Yayın durumuYayınlandı - 1996
EtkinlikProceedings of the 1996 3rd Biennial Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA. Part 7 (of 9) - Montpellier, Fr
Süre: 1 Tem 19964 Tem 1996


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Proceedings of the 1996 3rd Biennial Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA. Part 7 (of 9)
ŞehirMontpellier, Fr

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