Computational Design and Analysis of Shell Topologies driven by Different Microstructural Patterns found in Natural Materials

Alim Battal, Sevil Yazici

Araştırma sonucu: Kitap/Rapor/Konferans Bildirisinde BölümKonferans katkısıbilirkişi


This study aims to introduce new topological solutions in shell structures by transferring the microstructural characteristics of natural materials into macro-scale structures. The methodology is built on three stages, including investigating the microstructure of natural materials, translating this knowledge into the design of shell structures, and assessing their structural behaviour by using Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. Different algorithms are operated to undertake different tasks in the process, including the creation of cellular solids, their transformation into shell structures, and structural performance evaluations. Structural analysis results of cellular solid-based shells showed that lattice-based shell structures performed better compared to open-cell foams in terms of their structural strength however, obtained disadvantages in terms of their overall mass and material utilization.

Orijinal dilİngilizce
Ana bilgisayar yayını başlığıeCAADe 2023 - Digital Design Reconsidered
EditörlerWolfgang Dokonal, Urs Hirschberg, Gabriel Wurzer, Gabriel Wurzer
YayınlayanEducation and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe
Sayfa sayısı10
ISBN (Basılı)9789491207358
Yayın durumuYayınlandı - 2023
Etkinlik41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, eCAADe 2023 - Graz, Austria
Süre: 20 Eyl 202322 Eyl 2023

Yayın serisi

AdıProceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe
ISSN (Basılı)2684-1843


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, eCAADe 2023

Bibliyografik not

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. All rights reserved.

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