Competitive positioning analysis with learning vector quantization

Umut Asan*

*Bu çalışma için yazışmadan sorumlu yazar

Araştırma sonucu: Kitap/Rapor/Konferans Bildirisinde BölümKonferans katkısıbilirkişi

1 Atıf (Scopus)


Positioning analysis aims at exploring the perceptual differences between the brands of a product class and the way they are linked to consumer preferences. Various sophisticated multivariate techniques have been suggested to analyze consumer perceptions and preferences and extract competitive dimensions. In this study, a completely different reduced space method based on Learning Vector Quantization is suggested for positioning analysis. The method of Learning Vector Quantization, belonging to the field of computational intelligence, is a special case of an artificial neural network that applies a supervised competitive learning-based approach. In comparison to the current multivariate techniques, the advantages of the proposed method can be listed as follows: (i) it allows to deliver decision support for positioning by examining multiple relationships simultaneously, (ii) its procedures are easy to implement, (iii) it does not impose rigorous distributional assumptions, (iv) nor does it require particular scaling properties of the raw data, (v) it effectively copes with samples of limited and unlimited size, (vi) it can be used in online mode, and finally (vii) it allows what-if simulations and predictions for new customers. The study outlines some major aspects of the methodical foundations of the LVQ-based positioning analysis and provides an illustrative example.

Orijinal dilİngilizce
Ana bilgisayar yayını başlığıIntelligent and Fuzzy Techniques in Big Data Analytics and Decision Making - Proceedings of the INFUS 2019 Conference
EditörlerCengiz Kahraman, Sezi Cevik Onar, Basar Oztaysi, Irem Ucal Sari, Selcuk Cebi, A.Cagri Tolga
YayınlayanSpringer Verlag
Sayfa sayısı8
ISBN (Basılı)9783030237554
Yayın durumuYayınlandı - 2020
EtkinlikInternational Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, INFUS 2019 - Istanbul, Turkey
Süre: 23 Tem 201925 Tem 2019

Yayın serisi

AdıAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
ISSN (Basılı)2194-5357
ISSN (Elektronik)2194-5365


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, INFUS 2019

Bibliyografik not

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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