In this study, exergetic sustainability indicators of solar methane cracking for hydrogen production have been analysed. For this purpose, solar methane cracking system is considered a cleaner process for production of hydrogen fuel from natural gas. To evaluate the system comprehensively, a detailed exergy analysis is performed, and indicators based on exergetic sustainability are defined and calculated. The system has an exergy efficiency of 53% and a recoverable exergy ratio of 34%. Further improvements to the system can lead to enhanced sustainability.
Orijinal dil | İngilizce |
Ana bilgisayar yayını başlığı | Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference |
Ana bilgisayar yayını alt yazısı | Bridging Continents by H2 |
Editörler | Ibrahim Dincer, Can Ozgur Colpan, Mehmet Akif Ezan |
Yayınlayan | International Association for Hydrogen Energy, IAHE |
Sayfalar | 1095-1097 |
Sayfa sayısı | 3 |
ISBN (Elektronik) | 9786250008430 |
Yayın durumu | Yayınlandı - 2022 |
Harici olarak yayınlandı | Evet |
Etkinlik | 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2, WHEC 2022 - Istanbul, Turkey Süre: 26 Haz 2022 → 30 Haz 2022 |
Yayın serisi
Adı | Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2 |
???event.eventtypes.event.conference??? | 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2, WHEC 2022 |
Ülke/Bölge | Turkey |
Şehir | Istanbul |
Periyot | 26/06/22 → 30/06/22 |
Bibliyografik not
Publisher Copyright:© 2022 Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2. All rights reserved.