Index Modulation (IM) techniques have become a popular research topic for the next generation communication systems due to their prominent spectral efficiencies. Media-Based Modulation (MBM) which can provide high data rates using multiple RF switching components like PIN diodes and fewer transmit antennas is one of the newest members of the IM family. It may be also a candidate for the physical layer of 6G cellular communication systems. In this study, we implement an MBM communication system that utilizes a reconfigurable antenna (RA) with the help of an embedded system and universal software radio peripherals (USRP) with LabVIEW. We also design the RA which is used at the transmitter. The designed RA has been manufactured on a printed circuit board (PCB) with an antenna driver circuit and the measurements related with its operability have been taken and validated. In order to switch the PIN diodes on the RA, we use an ARM-based microprocessor which carries the information to be transmitted. After the testbed is installed, the data transfer is accomplished by our MBM scheme successfully.
Orijinal dil | İngilizce |
Ana bilgisayar yayını başlığı | 27th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2019 |
Yayınlayan | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. |
ISBN (Elektronik) | 9781728147895 |
DOI'lar | |
Yayın durumu | Yayınlandı - Kas 2019 |
Etkinlik | 27th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2019 - Belgrade, Serbia Süre: 26 Kas 2019 → 27 Kas 2019 |
Yayın serisi
Adı | 27th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2019 |
???event.eventtypes.event.conference??? | 27th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2019 |
Ülke/Bölge | Serbia |
Şehir | Belgrade |
Periyot | 26/11/19 → 27/11/19 |
Bibliyografik not
Publisher Copyright:© 2019 IEEE.