Upper-mantle structure of the Baltic Shield below the Swedish National Seismological Network (SNSN) resolved by teleseismic tomography

Tuna Eken*, Z. Hossein Shomali, Roland Roberts, Reynir Bödvarsson

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35 Citations (Scopus)


Upper-mantle structure under the Baltic Shield is studied using non-linear high resolution teleseismic P-phase tomography. Observed relative arrival-time residuals from 52 teleseismic earthquakes recorded by the Swedish National Seismological Network (SNSN) are inverted to delineate the structure of the upper mantle. The network consists of 47 (currently working) three-component broad-band stations located in an area about 450 km wide and 1450 km long. In order to reduce complications due to possible significant three-dimensionality of Earth structure, events chosen for this study lay close to in-line with the long-axis of the array (±30°). Results indicate P-wave velocity perturbations of ±3 per cent down to at least 470 km below the network. The size of the array allows inversion for structures even at greater depths, and lateral variations of velocity at depths of up to 680 km appear to be resolved. Below the central part of the array (60°-64° N), where ray coverage is best, the data reveals a large region of relatively low velocity at depths of over about 300 km. At depths less than about 250-300 km, the models include a number of features, including an apparent slab-like structure dipping gently towards the north.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)617-630
Number of pages14
JournalGeophysical Journal International
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • ACH method
  • Baltic Shield
  • Lithosphere
  • Teleseismic tomography


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