Thermally conductive h-BN reinforced PEI composites: The role of processing conditions on dispersion states

Yunus Emre Bozkurt, Alptekin Yıldız, Özlem Türkarslan*, Feride N. Şaşal, Hulya Cebeci*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


In this study, h-BN, reinforced PEI composites were studied up to 30 wt% through optimizing process conditions of melt-mixing to tune the thermal conductivity at relatively low-filler ratios while possessing a scalable manufacturing process with thermoplastics operating at high temperatures. The effects of processing parameters on the rheological properties and thermal conductivities of resulting h-BN/PEI composites were determined. DSC and TGA analyses showed that h-BN addition did not lead to a significant change in Tg; however, thermal decomposition temperatures of PEI were shifted. At 30 wt% h-BN loading, a high thermal conductivity as 0.82 W/mK was achieved, which is three times that of neat PEI. The significant enhancement in thermal conductivity was attributed to effective dispersion state of h-BN, creating an enhanced phonon transport mechanism confirmed through rheological analysis. This work provides a thermo-economic solution with relatively low-filler loading ratios in a high temperature and high performance operating polymer. These polymer composites were successfully fabricated in a filament form as candidates for lightweight advanced packaging materials by either injection molding or 3D printing.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102854
JournalMaterials Today Communications
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd


The authors are grateful to the Boeing Company , United States for financial support and technical discussions with the project of 2019000191 . The authors thank to ITU BAP Division for a partial postgraduate scholarship for Dr. Alptekin Yıldız. The authors would like to thank Suat Ebil from ITU Aerospace Research Center (ITU ARC) and Alper Yeşilçubuk (Ph.D.), Gökhan Sır, Tuğçe Öner, Sefa Yasin Üzen, and Gürkan Koçsız from Arçelik A.Ş. for their contribution to the study and the thermal conductivity measurements. The authors are grateful to the Boeing Company, United States for financial support and technical discussions with the project of 2019000191. The authors thank to ITU BAP Division for a partial postgraduate scholarship for Dr. Alptekin Yıldız. The authors would like to thank Suat Ebil from ITU Aerospace Research Center (ITU ARC) and Alper Yeşilçubuk (Ph.D.), Gökhan Sır, Tuğçe Öner, Sefa Yasin Üzen, and Gürkan Koçsız from Arçelik A.Ş. for their contribution to the study and the thermal conductivity measurements.

FundersFunder number
Alper Yeşilçubuk
ITU Aerospace Research Center
ITU BAP Division


    • Extrusion
    • Hexagonal boron nitride
    • Polyetherimide
    • Rheological properties
    • Thermal conductivity


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