We present a new measurement of the spin-dependent structure function gd1 of the deuteron from deep inelastic scattering of 190 GeV polarized muons on polarized deuterons. The results are combined with our previous measurements of gd1. A perturbative QCD evolution in next-to-leading order is used to compute gd1(x) at a constant Q2. At Q2 = 10GeV2, we obtain a first moment Γd1 = ∫10 gd1dx = 0.041 ± 0.008, a flavour-singlet axial charge of the nucleon a0 = 0.30 ± 0.08, and an axial charge of the strange quark as = -0.09 ± 0.03. Using our earlier determination Γp1, we obtain Γp1 - Γn1 = 0.183 ± 0.035 at Q2 - 10GeV2. This result is in agreement with the Bjorken sum rule which predicts Γp1 - Γn1 = 0.186 ± 0.002 at the same Q2.
Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 338-348 |
Number of pages | 11 |
Journal | Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics |
Volume | 396 |
Issue number | 1-4 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published - 20 Mar 1997 |
IL 60510U, SA. lo Now at Universityo f WisconsinM, adison,W I 53706U, SA. ” Now at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA 94309U, SA. ‘* Now at Yale UniversityD, epartmenotf Physics,N ew Haven, CT 06511U, SA. t3P ermanenatd dressM: iyazakiU niversityF, acultyo f Engineering, 889-21M iyazaki-ShiJ,a pan. t4P ermanenta ddress:P aul ScherrerI nstitut, 5232 Villigen, Switzerland. t5N ow at Instituteo f Physicaal ndC hemicaRl esearch(R IKEN), Wako3 51-01J,a pan. l6 Permanenatd dressU: niversityo f CaliforniaI,n stituteo f Particle Physics,S antaC ruz, CA 95064U, SA. ” Permanenatd dressK: EK, Tsukuba-Sh3i,0 5I baraki-KenJ,a pan. ‘s BogoliubovL aboratoryfo r TheoreticaPl hysics,J INR, 141980 Dubna,R ussia. I9 Now at Ericsson Telecommunicatio5n1, 20 AA Rijen, The Netherlands. 20N~ã t Universityo f Bielefeld,PhysicsDepartmen3t,3501 Bielefeld,G ermany. 21N ow at CERN, 1211G eneva2 3, Switzerland. 22P ermanenatd dressU: niversityo f BuenosA ires, PhysicsD e-partment1, 428B uenosA ires, Argentina. 23P ermanenatd dressT: he AmericanU niversityW, ashingtoDn .C. 20016U, SA. 24N ow at Universityo f BuenosA ires, PhysicsD epartmen1t,4 28 BuenosA ires, Argentina. 25N ow at DESY, 22603H amburgG, ermany. 26N ow at DresdenT echnicaUl niversity0, 1062D resdenG, ermany. *’ Permanenat ddressB: rookhavenN ationalL aboratoryU, pton, NY 11973U, SA. 28P resenta ddressE: SRF, F-38043G renobleF, rance. 29N ow at Hoffmann-La Roche GmbH, CH-4070 Basel, Switzerland. 30N~~a t Los Alamos National Laboratory,L os Alamos, NM 87545U, SA. 31S upportebdy theB undesministeriufumr Bildung,W issenschaft, Forschungu nd Technologie. 32P artiallys upportedb y TUBITAK and the Centref or Turkish-BalkanP hysicsR esearcha ndA pplication( Bogaz@University). 33S upportedb y the U.S. Departmenotf Energy. 34S upportedb y the U.S. NationalS cienceF oundation. 35S upportedb y MonbushoG rant-in-Aidf or ScientificR esearch (InternationaSlc ientificR esearchP rograma ndS peciallyP romoted Research). 36S upportedb y the NationalS cienceF oundation(N WO) of the Netherlands. 37S upportebdy the Commissariaat I’EnergieA tomique. ss Supportedb y the ComisionI nterministeridael Cienciay Tec-nologia( CICYT) and by the Xuntad e Galicia. j9 Supportebdy the IsraelS cienceF oundation. 40S upportebdy KEN SPUBIP3/209/94a ndSPUB/P3/ 112195. 4LD eceased.
Funders | Funder number |
ComisionI nterministeridael Cienciay Tec-nologia | |
U.S. Departmenotf Energy | |
Xuntad e Galicia | |
Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología |