The effect of frothers on coal flotation

B. Aydin, G. Erturk, G. Bulut

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Coal is a complex material because of its structure consisting of carbon constituents and mineral matter. Flotation is readily carried out due to hydrophobic characteristic of coal. Therefore coal flotation is the most commonly used technique for fine coal beneficiation in order to acquire clean coal separating ash forming mineral matter from carbonaceous matter. In the coal flotation, floatability of coal both depends on characteristic of coal and used flotation reagent. Frothers as a flotation reagent are used to facilitate air dispersion into fine bubbles by prevention of bubble coalescence in the pulp phase, and stabilization of flotation froths. In this study, the effects of frother types and concentrations at different pH and particle size on the coal flotation were investigated. The representative sample was taken from Zonguldak, Turkey. It contains 9.1% ash and 7313 (kcal/kg) calorific value. Pine oil, Dowfroth 250, MIBC and Isooctanol were tested as frother types. It is determined that 1.92 ppm frother concentration is sufficient to float coal, except pine oil. In mixed frother tests, it is seen that Dowfroth 250 is more effective than others. No significant difference in coal recovery was observed for flotation tests at the different pH values. The best results are obtained in size of coal (-0.1 mm) with all frothers.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event27th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2014 - Santiago, Chile
Duration: 20 Oct 201424 Oct 2014


Conference27th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2014


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