The effect of dispersion preparation type and last coagulation bath on graphene oxide fibers produced by wet spinning technique

Nuray Uçar*, Gökçen Gökçeli, Nilgün Karatepe, Ayşen Önen

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Graphene oxide (GO) fiber is a promising material because of its unique properties such as high electrical conductivity, good thermal and mechanical properties and scalable production. It can have widespread usage area such as energy storage devices, sensors, catalysis, biological applications. As seen from literatures, the studies on GO fiber produced by wet spinning technique are very limited because only a few years ago, the studies on this area were started. In this study, different dispersion rate, different dispersion time and different content of acetone in the last coagulation bath have been studied. Thus, for the first time, the effect of preparation method of GO dispersion and the content of highly evaporative solvent in the last coagulation bath on mechanical and electrical properties of GO fiber have been examined. It has been seen that dispersion rate has higher positive effect on mechanical properties than dispersion time. The samples lasted by %100 acetone coagulation bath have a lower mechanical property than the sample lasted by % 20/80 (distilled water/acetone). Among samples, highest mechanical properties belong to sample with coagulated by CaCl2-ethanol and dispersed for 90 minute by 15 000 rpm. Meanwhile coagulated samples with NaOH-acetone had the lowest mechanical properties. With regard to electrical conductivity, all samples are in the semi conductive range (10-4 S/cm).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-219
Number of pages5
JournalTekstil ve Konfeksiyon
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2015


  • Acetone
  • CaCl2
  • Coagulation Bath
  • Dispersion Rate
  • Dispersion Time
  • Electrical Conductivity
  • Ethanol
  • Graphene Oxide Fiber
  • Mechanical Properties
  • NaOH
  • Semi Conductive
  • Wet Spinning


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