The effect of different collectors on iron removal from quartz by flotation

Gülay Bulut, Yaʇmur Sirinyurt, Mustafa Özer, Ayhan Ali Sirkeci, Tuncer Acar

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The basic requirement of glass industry for the silica sand is at least 99% SiO2 content. On the other hand, coloring impurities such as Fe and Ti, must be removed. Flotation is the most widely used method for the purification of silica sands from impurities. In this study experimental studies were carried out to reduce Fe content of Mersin (Turkey) district silica sands by flotation. Silica sand sample with a d80 particle size of 1.85 mm was reduced below 0.5 mm in size. Then the size fraction -0.5 +0.106 mm was subjected to flotation tests. In flotation tests, sulfonate-type R801-R825, fatty acid based DER NA 7 (Produced by a Turkish company) and HA110-HA150 a blend of various chemicals produced by Mersin Cam-Is Mining Company (producer of glass raw materials) were used as collectors. Flotation tests showed that sulfonate type R801-R825 collectors provided much better results in acidic medium (pH: 3). The optimum pH value for DER NA, HA150 and HA110 collectors was found to be 7. It was observed that the addition of collector at once caused an increase in the amount of floated product that resulted in a loss of silica to the tailings. In the case of multistage addition of the collector much better selectivity was achieved. As a result of flotation tests conducted under best conditions, a concentrate assaying 0.046% Fe was obtained with a weight percentage of 93.4 when DER NA 7 was used as a collector. In the case of R801-R825 a concentrate was produced with 0.058% Fe content with a yield of 98.4%. On the use of HA150-HA110 the concentrate was produced with 96% weight recovery and 0.052% Fe content.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event27th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2014 - Santiago, Chile
Duration: 20 Oct 201424 Oct 2014


Conference27th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2014


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