Textile-based pressure sensor arrays: A novel scalable manufacturing technique

Cagatay Gumus, Kadir Ozlem, Fidan Khalilbayli, Omur Fatmanur Erzurumluoglu, Gokhan Ince, Ozgur Atalay, Asli Tuncay Atalay*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


Soft pressure sensors have sparked a lot of interest over the last decade because of their applications in human motion recognition, object detection, and human–computer interaction. However, their mass production and availability to end users are limited due to the complex and time-consuming steps. The scalability of working range for various applications is also a critical challenge. Therefore, a laborless, rapid, and scalable manufacturing technique for capacitive-based soft pressure sensors with high sensitivity and high working range is proposed in this work. The novel manufacturing method enables manipulation of sensor properties by varying production parameters based on specific application needs. The proposed sensor's electrode is made of conductive knit fabric, and the dielectric layers are made of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) sheets. As a result of the novel approach, it is possible to generate scalable air gaps between electrodes and dielectric layers to capture low pressures of less than 1 kPa. The usage of multi-layer TPU sheets also increases the working range of sensors up to 1000 kPa. Here, the proposed technology is successfully applied to create several sensor mats for different purposes such as improved gesture and shape recognition, and interactive gaming mats for children.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100140
JournalMicro and Nano Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors


This study was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Research Grant No:120C118. We thank Huseyin Özlem for his assistance in manufacturing of cycle test stand. We thank Erhan Önal, Cemalettin Cem Belentepe, Helga Lukaj, and Burak Akın for the development of applications. We also thank Soft Sensors Lab members for their assistance. This study was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (T?B?TAK), Research Grant No:120C118. We thank Huseyin ?zlem for his assistance in manufacturing of cycle test stand. We thank Erhan ?nal, Cemalettin Cem Belentepe, Helga Lukaj, and Burak Ak?n for the development of applications. We also thank Soft Sensors Lab members for their assistance.

FundersFunder number
Cemalettin Cem Belentepe
Helga Lukaj
Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu:120C118


    • Capacitive pressure sensors
    • E-textiles
    • Gesture recognition
    • Interactive devices
    • Smart textiles
    • Textile-based sensors


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