System-based prediction of maneuvering performance of twin-propeller and twin-rudder ship using a modular mathematical model

Omer Faruk Sukas*, Omer Kemal Kinaci, Sakir Bal

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25 Citations (Scopus)


The turning circle and zigzag maneuvering performance of surface combatant, DTMB 5415 have been investigated by using system-based method. Unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes (URANS) approach is utilized to estimate hydrodynamic derivatives and hull-propeller-rudder interactions. DTMB 5415 is a twin-propeller / twin-rudder ship and there are some studies on the derivation of maneuvering coefficients in the literature but none of them took into account the propeller and rudder forces. In this study, static drift, pure yaw, combined yaw and drift, self-propulsion and rudder tests of DTMB 5415 hull have been simulated in calm and deep water condition. Bare hull PMM simulations were carried out for a fixed Froude number of Fr=0.28, while the simulations related to rudder and propeller were performed at Fr=0.25. Computational results were used by MMG (Maneuvering Modeling Group) model to estimate the maneuvering performance of the ship. Hydrodynamic derivatives from numerically generated forces and moment data were obtained by single-run and multiple-run methods. The results from both methods were tested in an in-house maneuvering simulation code (MANSIM) that solves for ship motions and they were compared with computed turning circle and zigzag maneuvering performances. Although it is known a priori that the multiple-run method would give better solution in overall, it was found that the single-run method can be a good alternative in some specific cases. For the zigzag and turning circle tests, the results from single-run method were found satisfactory when correct PMM test conditions were adopted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-162
Number of pages18
JournalApplied Ocean Research
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd


  • DTMB 5415
  • Mathematical model
  • MMG
  • Multiple-run method
  • Numerical PMM
  • Single-run method
  • Surface combatant


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