Synthesis and liquid crystalline behavior of random copolymer of poly(ethylene oxide) macromonomer and liquid crystalline monomer by the photon transmission technique

Sevtap Yildiz*, Faruk Yilmaz, Haluk Özbek, Önder Pekcan, Koichi Ito, Yusuf Yagci

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Random copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) macromonomer with pvinylbenzyl endfunctional group (PEOVB) and liquid crystalline monomer, namely 6(4cyanobiphenyl4′oxy)hexyl acrylate (COA), were prepared by conventional free radical polymerization. A living anionic polymerization technique was employed for the synthesis of PEO macromonomers bearing pvinylbenzyl moiety at one end. The photon transmission method was also applied to study the phase transitions of COA monomer and its random copolymer with PEO. It was found that, for both samples, the nematicsmectic A transition is continuous, but the critical fluctuation regions do not allow to obtain 3D XY values. Instead, we have obtained the values close to mean field regime. Scaling of thermal hystersis for random copolymer sample near the nematicisotropic transition was studied as well. Thermal hysteresis loops were produced under linearly varying temperature. It was shown that the areas of the hysteresis loops scale with the temperature scanning rate with an exponent being equal to 0.614 which is in good agreement with the fieldtheoretical value.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1573-1588
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Macromolecular Science - Pure and Applied Chemistry
Volume42 A
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2005


  • Critical exponent
  • Liquid crystalline monomer
  • Nematic and smectic ordering
  • PEO macromonomer
  • Photon transmission method
  • Scaling of thermal hysteresis


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