Study on test set-ups for determining the failure characterisation in masonry components

Didem Dönmez*

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This paper presents experimental studies and detailed micro-modelling on test set-ups to determine the strength and failure mechanism of brick masonry components. Experimental studies include compressive strength tests of masonry units, red clay brick masonry triplet tests and Z-shaped flexural bond tests. Failure mechanisms for masonry relates not only to mortar and brick material properties, but also to the bond strength between the brick and mortar. A contact law based on the cohesive zone model and Coulomb’s law was used to describe the fracture behaviour of mortar joints. Numerical studies are based on the interface cohesive model for mixed modes I and II. Tests were evaluated numerically using the Benzeggagh–Kenane mixed mode criterion. The results obtained from finite-element (FE) simulation showed the reliability of computational modelling approaches for masonry bed joint behaviour. Finally, a parametric study on masonry triplet under various compression stresses was carried out by using the FE simulation. The results indicate that an increase in normal compression stress leads to an increase in shear bond strength of masonry.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14-28
Number of pages15
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 ICE Publishing. All rights reserved.


  • Brickwork & masonry
  • Computational mechanics
  • Strength & testing of materials


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