Studies by a mobile laboratory on soil conditioning for EPB tunneling

H. Copur, F. Aksu, K. Yasar Levent, M. Cinar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


EPB-TBMs counterbalance the earth and water pressures in unstable grounds by excavated muck, which is usually conditioned by foaming agents generating homogeneous and plastic material (easy to transport) with low internal friction and permeability, enabling higher excavation performance. Basic aim of this study is to determine the effects of chemical additives for muck conditioning on the performance of an EPB-TBM used to excavate the Selimpasa Sewerage Tunnel in Istanbul. All conditioning tests for characterization of ground, foam and groundfoam mixture are performed on samples of claystone, which represents the most common lithology through the alignment, in a mobile laboratory. The results of the laboratory tests as well as those of the field studies, which were performed to validate the findings of the laboratory tests, are presented. The results indicate that the optimum conditioning is obtained at cf of 1.0%, FER of 10, water content of 40 to 45% (minus natural water content) and FIR of 20% for claystone. It is also indicated that 5% of anti-clay agent can be used for reducing sticking problems and power consumption without using foam. Foaming agent at correct dosage also reduces the sticking problem, but not totally. Field trials validate the suggested conditioning design.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnderground - The Way to the Future
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the World Tunnel Congress, WTC 2013
PublisherTaylor and Francis - Balkema
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9781138000940
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventWorld Tunnel Congress: Underground - The Way to the Future, WTC 2013 - Geneva, Switzerland
Duration: 31 May 20137 Jun 2013

Publication series

NameUnderground - The Way to the Future: Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress, WTC 2013


ConferenceWorld Tunnel Congress: Underground - The Way to the Future, WTC 2013


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