Signaling system design for urban transportation: The case of istanbul esenler depot

Ilker Üstoǧlu, Özgür Turay Kaymakçi, Mustafa Seçkin Durmuş, Ugur Yildirim, Lütfü Akçil

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


One of the main issues in railway transportation, especially in urban rail transport system is to provide safety where human life is in question. This issue is solved by well-designed reliable interlocking systems. In this study, signaling system design including interlocking system for Esenler Depot is defined. This study can also be regarded as the first signaling system design for urban transportation in Turkey.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes
Event9th FORMS/FORMAT 2012 Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems - Braunschweig, Germany
Duration: 12 Dec 201213 Dec 2012


Conference9th FORMS/FORMAT 2012 Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems


  • Fixed-block signaling
  • Interlocking system design
  • Istanbul esenler depot


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