Sensorless speed control of a vector controlled three-phase induction motor drive by using MRAS

Ali Saffet Altay, Mehmet Emin Tacer, Ahmet Faik Mergen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


A method for rotor speed estimation using model reference adaptive system (MRAS) was proposed to improve the performance of a sensorless vector controller. State variables, such as rotor flux and reactive power were estimated in a reference model and then compared with state variables obtained by using space vector modulation (SVM) algorithm. In conventional MRAS methods, the difference between state variables and the speed estimation error is unclear. However, in this study, the stator current error was represented as functions of state variables and reference axis parameters. It was aimed that the applied model can control voltage and moment producing components of the stator separetely. The induction motor working at low speeds and zero speed was used at producing constant moments. It could be controlled in a wide range of speed due to the fact that the mathematical model provides attainable speeds to mechanical limits of the motor. Experimental verification was also provided. It was concluded that application of vector control for the sensorless speed control in induction motors results in better and rapid response and more simple structure comparing to the classical methods.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1258-1267
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Vibroengineering
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Induction motors
  • MRAS
  • Sensorless control
  • Space vector modulation
  • Speed estimation
  • Vector control


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