Sector conflicts in a protected area: Kapisuyu River, Kure Mountains National Park, Turkey

Sevgi Gormus*, Dicle Oguz, Hayriye Esbah

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Land-use decisions are a significant threat to biological diversity and landscape character. To counteract the effects of these threats conflicts between biological diversity and land-use decisions must be identified. This study aimed to analyze the social and spatial conflicts that occur due to landuse decisions in an effort to reduce the associated threats. Based on the findings, we propose to establish a balance between economic development and environmental protection by drawing upon the principle of sustainable land-use planning. This study examined the social and spatial conflicts between economy, tourism, and environmental sector outcomes in the Kapisuyu River Basin, Turkey, based on a conflict analysis approach,using geographic information system (GIS) and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) techniques. Conflict analysis is the systematic study of a given conflict that aims to gain a better understanding of the causes of conflict, the actors and stakeholders involved, and the societal changes brought about by conflict. On the basis of land survey data obtained as part of this study, we include a discussion of the effect of legal loopholes that cause conflicts, institutional obligations, and the expectations of local residents related to biological diversity. This study puts forward a specific risk management approach that should serve to alleviate the situation in the Kapisuyu River Basin and a proposal based on conflict analysis for how cooperation between local management, experts, and residents can be achieved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1333-1351
Number of pages19
JournalFresenius Environmental Bulletin
Issue number2a
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© by PSP.


  • Conflict Analysis
  • Kapisuyu River Basin
  • Kure Mountains National Park
  • Participatory Rural Appraisal


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