Respirometric evaluation of strong wastewater activated sludge treatment for a complex chemical industry

E. Ubay Cokgor*, G. Insel, E. Aydýn, S. Ozdemir, D. Orhon

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This study deals with respirometric modeling of biodegradation of complex organic matter generated from a chemical industry. Evaluation with a multi-degradation model indicated that organic matter in raw wastewater has four types of biodegradable components having different biodegradation characteristics. The model evaluation of batch respirogram indicated that the acclimated biomass exhibited a delayed response after the addition of raw wastewater to endogenous biomass. The delayed phase was characterized by Haldane type inhibition kinetics. The inhibitory effect of raw wastewater was also supported by standard toxicity test result yielding EC50 at 1.5% dilution.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSurvival and Sustainability
Subtitle of host publicationEnvironmental Concerns in the 21st Century
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventInternational Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability - Nicosia, Cyprus
Duration: 19 Feb 200724 Feb 2007


ConferenceInternational Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability


  • Chemical industry
  • Haldane kinetics
  • Modeling
  • Strong wastewater
  • Substrate inhibition


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