Reply to Comment on "Analyses of Seismic Deformation at the Kibyra Roman Stadium, Southwest Turkey"

Volkan Karabacak*, Önder Yönlü, Eray Dökü, Nafiye Günenç Kiyak, Erhan Altunel, Şükrü Özüdoǧru, Cahit Çaǧlar Yalçiner, Hüsnü Serdar Akyüz

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


In their comment, Elitez and Yaltirak (2013) criticize our paper (Karabacak et al. ) by arguing that it contains misinterpretations and unreliable data for a fault cutting the Roman Stadium in the ancient city of Kibyra. However their comments are not based on strong arguments to disprove our geological and archeological field observations or previous data. Here we present additional data supported by new figures which validate the faulting both in the bedrock and in the stadium floor. We reject their comments and uphold our original viewpoint on the faulting at the Stadium.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)353-356
Number of pages4
JournalGeoarchaeology - An International Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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