Reduction of non-breaking wave loads on caisson type breakwaters using a modified perforated configuration

V. Ş Özgür KIRCA*, M. Sedat KABDAŞLI

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15 Citations (Scopus)


In this study a new type of partially perforated caisson breakwater is introduced with two shallow chambers split horizontally by an impermeable plate at the mean sea level. A plexiglass laboratory model of the structure was manufactured with different frontface perforation ratios and adjustable chamber breadths, then tested under 2D non-breaking regular and irregular waves. The horizontal wave force and wave moment are evaluated as dimensionless parameters from measured pressure-time series. A control group of tests was also conducted with plain vertical face under identical waves, also the wave loads on a vertical face for the same wave properties were computed using Goda (1985) formulation. Results show that the dimensionless wave forces and dimensionless wave moments can be reduced by a ratio up to 35%-40% under regular and irregular waves and structure performance increases with decreasing wave length. The obtained results are also compared with reference to a fully perforated (Jarlan) caisson using the method given by Tabet-Aoul and Lambert (2003) and a general harmony was seen both for the magnitudes and variation of wave loads with dimensionless chamber breadth (B/L).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1316-1331
Number of pages16
JournalOcean Engineering
Issue number17-18
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2009


  • Perforated caisson
  • Physical modelling
  • Vertical faced breakwater
  • Wave load reduction


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