Records of latest Triassic, mid-Cretaceous and Cenozoic uplift/exhumation phases in the Istanbul zone revealed by apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology

Remziye Akdoğan*, István Dunkl, Aral I. Okay, Xiumian Hu, Gültekin Topuz

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He ages from Carboniferous to Eocene siliciclastic rocks of the Istanbul Zone (NW Turkey) range from 220 to 46 Ma, and from 46 to 18 Ma, respectively. Apatite grains from the upper Cretaceous and Eocene volcaniclastic and siliciclastic formations yielded unreset fission-track ages (85 to 65 Ma), whereas the Lower Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks yielded both reset and unreset apatite fission-track ages. This suggests the absence of substantial burial after the Early Cretaceous. The thermochronological dataset presented here in conjunction with published data defines three major deformation and uplift/exhumation phases: (i) 220–179 Ma (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic), (ii) 101–107 Ma (mid-Cretaceous), and (iii) 66–16 Ma (Palaeocene-early Miocene). The Late Triassic-Early Jurassic uplift/exhumation phase can be attributed to the Cimmeride orogeny and the uplift of the Pontides. The mid-Cretaceous uplift/deformation is also reflected in the stratigraphic record as a major unconformity, which was probably caused by the accretion of an oceanic plateau or a seamount. The Palaeocene-early Eocene uplift/deformations resulted from the closure of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan oceanic domain. The late Oligocene-early Miocene uplift/deformation is probably caused by extension in the Aegean region due to the suction along the Hellenic trench.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)297-310
Number of pages14
JournalInternational Geology Review
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.


Nurullah Kızılay and Judit Dunklné-Nagy are thanked for help during sample preparation. Constructive and thorough reviews by Timur Ustaömer, William Cavazza and an anonymous reviewer as well as the editorial handling by Robert Stern have improved the manuscript considerably. This study was supported by several grants from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) (#109Y049, #113R007 and 2214-A) and a grant from the Turkish Academy of Science to Aral Okay.

FundersFunder number
Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu109Y049, 113R007, 2214-A
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi


    • (U-Th)/He
    • Istanbul zone
    • NW Turkey
    • apatite fission-track
    • low-T thermochronology
    • uplift/exhumation phases


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