Receiver function images of the base of the lithosphere in the Alboran Sea region

Süleyman Dündar, Rainer Kind*, Xiaohui Yuan, Fatih Bulut, Forough Sodoudi, Ben Heit, Prakash Kumar, Xueqing Li, Winfried Hanka, Rosa Martin, Manfred Stiller, Tuna Eken, Marcelo Bianchi, Elisa Buforn, Jose Martin Davila

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19 Citations (Scopus)


We analyse data from seismic stations surrounding the Alboran Sea between Spain and North Africa to constrain variations of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) in the region. The technique used is the receiver function technique, which usesS-to-Pconverted teleseismic waves at the LAB below the seismic stations. We confirm previous data suggesting a shallow (60-90km) LAB beneath the Iberian Peninsula and we observe a similarly shallow LAB beneath the Alboran Sea where the lithosphere becomes progressively thinner towards the east. A deeper LAB (90-100km) is observed beneath the Betics, the south of Portugal and Morocco. The structure of the LAB in the entire region does not seem to show any indication of subduction related features. We also observe goodPreceiver function signals from the seismic discontinuities at 410 and 660km depth which do not indicate any upper-mantle anomaly beneath the entire region. This is in agreement with the sparse seismic activity in the mantle transition zone suggesting the presence of only weak and regionally confined anomalies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1019-1026
Number of pages8
JournalGeophysical Journal International
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Coda waves
  • Continental margins: convergent
  • Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle


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