Realization of Martens hardness method in macro range with high accuracy force and indentation depth

Cihan Kuzu*, Kürşat Kazmanli

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


TÜBITAK UME Hardness Laboratory has been working on instrumentation in the field of hardness metrology since 2005 and three generations of hardness standardizing machines were developed since then to be used as reference (calibration/standardizing) machines in Türkiye. In former designs conventional hardness methods such as Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers scales were the main scope of the projects. In the final Project that was supported and funded by TÜBITAK UME to develop three hardness standard machines to be used as national standards for the conventional hardness scales mentioned, the Instrumented Indentation Test (IIT) was also aimed at and some parameters like Martens hardness, creep, indentation hardness, (elastic and plastic) indentation work, etc. were also implemented onto the machines developed. It was a good occasion that the measurands in Rockwell hardness and IIT were the same, force and indentation depth besides time and this made it easier to realize the IIT on the same machine with a more suitable design to achieve the highest accuracy in terms of the measurands mentioned. In this paper the new design of the Rockwell-Brinell-Vickers hardness standard machine developed also for Martens hardness in macro range (3 kgf - 150 kgf) and preliminary Martens hardness measurements are explained.

Original languageEnglish
JournalActa IMEKO
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO). All rights reserved.


  • Brinell
  • Hardness
  • Martens
  • Rockwell
  • Vickers
  • indentation
  • instrumented indentation test


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