Protein extracts from de-oiled sunflower cake: Structural, physico-chemical and functional properties after removal of phenolics

Büşra Gültekin Subaşı, Federico Casanova*, Esra Capanoglu, Fatemeh Ajalloueian, Jens J. Sloth, Mohammad Amin Mohammadifar*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

38 Citations (Scopus)


The effects of dephenolization on structural, physico-chemical and functional properties of sunflower protein isolate obtained from de-oiled sunflower cake were investigated. Proximate analysis showed that the moisture and crude protein content for sunflower dephenolized protein (SPI-DP) increased by 59 and 9% compared to the natural sunflower protein (SPI–N) samples, while the ash content and phenolic compounds decreased 53 and 98%, respectively. Powder of SPI-DP had a yellowish color and analysis using scanning electron microscopy showed a rough and spongy surface compared to SPI-N. The isoelectric point of SPI-N and SPI-DP were observed at pH 4.37 and 4.82, respectively. Analysis of mineral composition showed a lowered amount of minerals (except for Se and Sr), as a result of phenolic removal. Secondary structures of the protein did not change but lower hydrophilicity was observed after phenolic removal using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. No difference was observed using differential scanning calorimetry on the glass transition and denaturation temperatures. Higher values for foam capacity and foam stability were observed for SPI-DP compared to SPI-N. Interfacial rheological measurements showed that structure strength at the air/water interface increased after phenolic removal.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100749
JournalFood Bioscience
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd


Analysis of chemical composition were done in the laboratories of the Food Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University. All other analyses were carried out in the Food Production Engineering Group, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This research was funded by the Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility-Training. Authors thank the Olin Edirne Oil Company (Edirne, Turkey), for providing the de-oiled sunflower cake. Analysis of chemical composition were done in the laboratories of the Food Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University. All other analyses were carried out in the Food Production Engineering Group, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This research was funded by the Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility-Training . Authors thank the Olin Edirne Oil Company (Edirne, Turkey), for providing the de-oiled sunflower cake.

FundersFunder number
Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility-Training
National Food Institute
Olin Edirne Oil Company
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi


    • Foaming properties
    • Helianthus annuus
    • Interfacial rheology
    • Sunflower cake
    • de-phenolized sunflower protein


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