Promoting environmental awareness: Spatial information dissemination

Hande Demirel*, Reha M. Alkan

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


This study proposes a novel approach for coastal zone management information dissemination, where advantages of spatial based web-technologies are highlighted. Efforts on sustainable development can only be achieved via promoting public awareness, encouraging maximum practicable and timely input, and collaboration with all interested parties on decisions. However, adequate tools for stakeholders, having various social and educational backgrounds, are lacking. The potential of Spatial Information Technologies were highlighted in the project of the Web-Based Halic Information System, where cultural tourism, e-governance, and Coastal Zone Management (CZM) applications are overlapping due to the uniqueness of the project area. The contribution of the presented study is to disseminate the structured, heterogeneous spatial information for varying users in order to enhance the knowledge-based society efforts. Hence, the designed system will aid to promote public awareness on environmental issues.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)771-776
Number of pages6
JournalFresenius Environmental Bulletin
Issue number8 A
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Dissemination
  • Environmental Awareness
  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management
  • Spatial
  • Sustainable Development
  • Web-based


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