Production of huntite and hydromagnesite with flame retardant featured by flotation

O. Kangal*, Q. Kökkilic, F. Burat

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Flame retardant materials can be incorporated or applied to products, including plastics and textiles, to increase their resistance to fire. Incorporating aflame retardant in combustible materials anaplastics is a common procedure to reduce the risk of fires. Flame retardant applications include interior and exterior woods, structural steel columns, fabrics, open and closed cell foam, pressure treated wood, Formica and all types of fabrics for use in commercial applications as well as residential applications where their fire protection products can save lives and valuables. Huntite and hydromagnesite are amongst the most important flame retardant additives materials. Although various areas of the world have potential huntite and hydromagnesite deposits, their place in industry is not well known, and a detailed field search for their deposits has not yet been conducted. They are active during the starting phase of a fire, in that they prevent the spread of an inner or exterior source of ignition to the flameretarded material, thereby, preventing, delaying or inhibiting the spread of afire. Flame-retardants are, therefore, just one element among many in a concept for preventive fire safety. To obtain huntite and hydromagnesite concentrates that are more than 95% pure, which are used inflame retardant industry, flotation tests were conducted on low-quality huntite and hydromagnesite ores.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109-113
Number of pages5
JournalMinerals and Metallurgical Processing
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 2009


  • Fatty acids
  • Flame retardant
  • Flotation
  • Huntite
  • Hydromagnesite


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