PRE-EARTHQUAKES, an FP7 project for integrating observations and knowledges on earthquake precursors: Preliminary results and strategy

V. Tramutoli*, S. Inan, N. Jakowski, S. Pulinets, Alexey Romanov, C. Filizzola, I. Shagimuratov, N. Pergola, N. Genzano, C. Serio, M. Lisi, R. Corrado, C. S. Grimaldi, M. Faruolo, R. Petracca, S. Ergintav, Z. Cakir, E. Alparslan, S. Gurol, M. Mainul HoqueK. D. Missling, V. Wilken, C. Borries, Y. Kalilnin, K. Tsybulia, E. Ginzburg, A. Pokhunkov, L. Pustivalova, Alexander Romanov, I. Cherny, S. Trusov, A. Adjalova, D. Ermolaev, S. Bobrovsky, R. Paciello, I. Coviello, A. Falconieri, I. Zakharenkova, Y. Cherniak, A. Radievsky, V. Lapenna, M. Balasco, S. Piscitelli, T. Lacava, G. Mazzeo

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


PRE-EARTHQUAKES (Processing Russian and European EARTH observations for earthQUAKE precursors Studies) EU-FP7 project is devoted to demonstrate - integrating different observational data, comparing and improving different data analysis methods - how it is possible to progressively increase reliability of short term seismic risk assessment. Three main testing area were selected (Italy, Turkey and Sakhalin) in order to concentrate observations and integration efforts starting with a learning phase on selected events in the past devoted to identify the most suitable parameters, observations technologies, data analysis algorithms. For these areas, different ground (80 radon and 29 spring water stations in Turkey region, 2 magneto-telluric in Italy) and satellite (18 different systems) based observations, 11 data analysis methods, for 7 measured parameters, have been compared and integrated. A specific integration platform (PEG, Pre-Earthquakes Geoportal) based on OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards, was developed to operate a products integration, cross-validation and scientific interpretation.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes
Event2012 32nd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2012 - Munich, Germany
Duration: 22 Jul 201227 Jul 2012


Conference2012 32nd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2012


  • Earth Observing System
  • Earthquakes
  • Remote sensing
  • Satellites


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