Post-rift volcanism and high heat-flow at the ocean-continent transition of the eastern Gulf of Aden

Francis Lucazeau*, Sylvie Leroy, Julia Autin, Alain Bonneville, Bruno Goutorbe, Louise Watremez, Elia D'acremont, Doga Düsünur, Frédérique Rolandone, Philippe Huchon, Nicolas Bellahsen, Patrick Tuchais

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A high heat-flow (∼900 mW m-2) has been observed over a volcanic structure at the Ocean-Continent Transition in the Eastern Gulf of Aden (Oman margin). The anomaly is superposed to a progressive increase of heat-flow across the margin and can be interpreted either by (1) heat refraction, (2) fluid discharge or (3) cooling magma. The two first explanations cannot be ruled out definitely by modelling analysis, but require unlikely thermal conductivity or permeability values. The third one implies that the latest activity of the volcano was about 100 000 years old and therefore continued c. 18 Ma after the break-up of Africa and Arabia. This potential mechanism is consistent with other lines of evidence of post-rifting activity in the Gulf of Aden and could invalidate the conventional assumption that rifted-margins become passive after the break-up of continents.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)285-292
Number of pages8
JournalTerra Nova
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2009
Externally publishedYes


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