Pool boiling heat transfer: Thermal performance for alternating and extended operational conditions

Tolga Emir, Mete Budakli*, Mehmet Arik

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Oxide formation on metallic heat transfer surfaces poses a risk parameter in high-power thermal systems maintained by multi-phase cooling. In spite of the significance for practical applications, the potential change in chemistry and morphology on the surfaces exposed to continuous or alternating boiling process plays a vital role in heat transfer efficiency. In this comprehensive study, the effect of heat flux rate, boiling crisis, operation time, surface roughness, and pre-oxidation by the system calibration on oxide layer formation and its inevitable effect on boiling heat transfer (BHT) have been evaluated separately. A sort of experimental scenarios rather representing real operating conditions encountered in phase-change cooling apparatuses were carried out on smooth and rough copper substrates in saturated de-ionized water at atmospheric pressure. In order to practice the scenarios, a series of subsequent critical heat flux (CHF) runs and continuous boiling operations at certain heat flux levels ranging between 15 and 60 W/cm2 were performed within different numbers and sequences as a part of the Design of Experiments (DOE). Each operating scenario was analyzed and compared individually, while questions regarding the effect of the number of CHF runs, heat flux level during long-term operation, surface roughness, pre-oxidation, and rigorous long-term stability operation on boiling heat transfer were examined exhaustively. As a result, CHF and maximum heat transfer coefficient (HTC) of all surfaces exposed to boiling processes considerably enhanced at different rates corresponding to applied scenarios. The rate of heat flux level applied on heating surfaces was not determined to be a significant factor, whereas the HTC and CHF enhanced as the number of subsequent boiling crises (CHF runs) ultimately raised. On the other hand, HTC of the surface non-exposed to CHF runs demonstrated a drastic enhancement by 45% after 24 h of continuous boiling exposure at 45 W/cm2 compared to initial performance with 1.0 W/cm2K. The heat transfer from the surfaces exposed to extended long-term operations showed a final stable thermal behavior, while CHF values doubled from an initial value of approximately ∼73 W/cm² to 144.7 W/cm2 as exposure time increased. X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses were executed to evaluate the influence of micro-nano-scale oxide particles/layers developed on the heater surfaces and to interpret the changes in heat transfer performance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number125454
JournalInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Elsevier Ltd


  • Boiling heat transfer
  • Critical heat flux
  • Long-term thermal stability
  • Oxide layer formation


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