Polysulfone/Pyrene Membranes: A New Microwell Assay Platform for Bioapplications

Murat Karadag, Gorkem Yilmaz, Hojjat Toiserkani, Dilek Odaci Demirkol, Serhan Sakarya, Lokman Torun, Suna Timur*, Yusuf Yagci

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18 Citations (Scopus)


The use of PSU-Py prepared by click chemistry as a platform in membrane-bottom microwell plates for oxidase and hydrolase/oxidase-based enzyme assays is studied. For the GOx assay, the postulated fluorescence mechanism is based on the consumption of glucose by dissolved oxygen and GOx in the microwell plates covered with the PSU-Py membrane. For the AG-GOx assay, maltose is used as AG substrate and hydrolyzed to glucose which is then oxidized by the GOx activity. It is shown that the PSU-Py membrane acts as a fluorescence indicator of the enzymatic reactions, and both GOx and AG/GOx enzyme assays are successfully applied for glucose, maltose and acorbose analysis in the range 0.125-2.0×10 -3 M glucose, 0.05-0.5×10 -3 M maltose, and 0.0125-0.1mg·mL -1 acorbose, respectively. The use of pyrene-functional polysulfone membranes as microwell assay platforms for oxidase and hydrolase/oxidase-based enzyme assays as well as cell detection is explored. Microwell plates covered with PSU-Py are applied for GOx and AG activity detection as well as for bioanalysis of glucose and AG inhibitors. A promising tool for cell detection is implemented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1235-1243
Number of pages9
JournalMacromolecular Bioscience
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 9 Sept 2011


  • Click chemistry
  • Functional polymers
  • Membranes
  • Microwell assays
  • Polysulfones


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