POLONAISE' 97 - seismic and gravimetric modelling of the crustal structure in the Polish Basin

POLONAISE Working Group

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27 Citations (Scopus)


The main aim of this paper is seismic and gravimetric modelling of the crustal structure in the Polish Basin. Preliminary results of a large seismic experiment POLONAISE'97 which was conducted during May of 1997 and targeted the deep structure of the Trans-European Suture Zone in Poland are presented. Apart of five POLONAISE'97 profiles (P1/P5) two other deep seismic sounding profiles (LT-7 and TTZ) passing the Polish Basin are discussed. Two-dimensional P-wave velocity models of the crust for these high resolution profiles of a total length of about 3000 km are presented. The actual resolution of the crustal structure recognition gives a new possibility for the study of the gravity field's morphology. The gravity modelling along the profiles was undertaken in a general form, as the study of the mutual accordance between the geometry of seismic boundaries and gravity anomalies as a mathematical relation and it given suggestion for reformulation of the fit problem. The first results obtained using the new technique and interpretation are presented in the case of the two-dimensional density modelling of the layers for single profiles of the network and estimations of the supracrustal gravity compensation. The analysis of the residue (r.m.s.) and its gradient is proposed in this new technique instead of analysis of density values, which determination is unstable. The supracrustal gravity response was modelled as a field of equivalent masses on the level situated in the lower lithosphere. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)355-363
Number of pages9
JournalPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2000


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