Pilot scale nanofiltration membrane separation for waste management in textile industry

I. Koyuncu*, E. Kural, D. Topacik

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50 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents the pilot scale membrane separation studies on dyehouse effluents of textile industry. Nanofiltration (NF) membranes which have 2 m2 of surface area were evaluated for membrane fouling on permeate flux and their suitability in separating COD, color and conductivity in relation to operating pressure and feed concentration from textile industry dyehouse effluents. Successive batch runs demonstrated that any serious membrane fouling was not experienced for NF membrane tested in treating this type of wastewater. The permeate flux was found to increase significantly with operating pressure. Flux decreased with increasing recovery rate. The overall removal efficiencies of COD, color and conductivity were found as greater than 97%. COD was lower than 10 mg/l at 12 bar pressures. Permeate COD was also increased with increasing recovery and COD was 30 mg/l with recovery of 80%. Almost complete color removal was achieved with nanofiltration membrane. Color value was also decreased from 500 Pt-Co to 10 Pt-Co unit. This significant reduction in color and COD makes possible the recycle of the permeate in the dyehouse. Permeate conductivity was decreasing with increasing pressure and retention of conductivity increases with increasing pressures. This phenomenon is expected from the analysis of conductivity mass transport model. Economical analysis have been done and the total estimated cost will be 0.81 $/m3 based on 1000 m3/day of and this value is very economical for Istanbul City due to increasing industrial water supply tariffs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)233-240
Number of pages8
JournalWater Science and Technology
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • Color removal
  • Dyehouse effluents
  • Mass transfer model
  • Nanofiltration
  • Pilot scale
  • Reuse


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