Photovoltaic applications for textiles

Ayse Celik Bedeloglu, Yalcin Bozkurt, Ali Demir

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Until very recently, nearly all photovoltaic devices were hard silicon semiconductor based cells and therefore they were very limited in widespread applications. Flexible polymeric semiconductors are now opening a new area in which films and fibers are becoming a potential application form. Fibers and textiles are maturing fields for photovoltaic cells with promising different applications. Photovoltaics based on textiles can positively increase the number of applications available to solar technology by delivering lightness and flexibility of photovoltaics and extending integration to other textile materials. This paper summarizes photovoltaic technology and devices including possible new uses in fibers and textiles with advanced properties.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Specialist publicationMelliand International
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2010


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