Palaeostress analysis of Tertiary post-collisional structures in the Western Pontides, northern Turkey

Gürsel Sunal, Okan Tüysüz*

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39 Citations (Scopus)


Fingerprints of the opening of the Western Black Sea Basin and collision of Pontides and Sakarya Continent along the Intra-Pontide suture can be traced in the area between Cide (Kastamonu) and Kurucaşile (Bartin) in northern Turkey, along the southern coast of the Black Sea. The Western Black Sea Basin is an oceanic basin opened as a back-arc basin of the northward-subducting Intra-Pontide Ocean. Basement units related to this opening are represented by Lower Cretaceous and older units. The first arc magmatism related to this subduction began during Turonian times. Coeval with this magmatism, back-arc extension affected the region and caused development of horst-graben topography. This extensional period resulted in the break-up of continental crust and the oceanic spreading in the Western Black Sea Basin during Late Santonian times. During the Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian period, the Sakarya Continent and Pontides collided and arc magmatism on the Pontides ended. After this collision, the Western Pontides thickened, imbricated and developed a mainly N-vergent foreland fold and thrust belt character since Late Eocene-Oligocene times. The palaeostress directions calculated from thrust faults of this foreland fold and thrust belt are 4.6°/156.6° for σ1, 6.4°/66.1° for σ2, and 83.2°/261.9° for σ3. The nature of the imbrication indicates that it was a northward prograding foreland system connected to a floor thrust (detachment) fault at the bottom. Field observations on curved slickenfibres support the theory that the thrust faults of this imbricated structure have transformed to oblique thrusts and strike-slip faults over time.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)343-359
Number of pages17
JournalGeological Magazine
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2002


  • Fold and thrust belts
  • Pontic mountains
  • Turkey


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