title = "On the accuracy of method of moments for solution of full 3D vectorial electromagnetic forward scattering problem",
abstract = "In this communication, an analysis on the accuracy of the method of moments solution of full 3D vectorial electromagnetic forward scattering problem is presented. Although different mathematical techniques are developed for determination of the error rate of method of moments [1-6], this paper presents a numerical approach to this problem. In contrast to weak formulations of method of moments as in [7], we use a dyadic Green function based approach. We adopted the pulse functions as basis functions and obtained equations are weighted by the dirac-delta functions. In fact such a choice obliges us to calculate the hypersingular integrals of the components of the well known dyadic Green function. We utilize from [8] for the Cauchy principal value of these singular integrals. To be able to decrease memory requirement and computational complexity, bi-conjugate gradient method is applied togather with the fast fourier transform (FFT) algorithm for the matrix multiplication. An accuracy analysis is made by comparing the simulated fields with the analytical expressions of the scattering field from a dielectric sphere. The results show that such an dyadic Green function based implementation of the method of moments works sufficiently well for a wide range of various parameters.",
author = "O. G{\"u}ren and Akinci, {M. N.} and M. Cay{\"o}ren",
year = "2015",
language = "English",
series = "Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium",
publisher = "Electromagnetics Academy",
pages = "365--368",
booktitle = "PIERS 2015 Prague - Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Proceedings",
address = "United States",