On domination in 2-connected cubic graphs

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In 1996, Reed proved that the domination number, γ(G), of every n-vertex graph G with minimum degree at least 3 is at most 3n/8 and conjectured that γ(H) ≤ [n/3] for every connected 3-regular (cubic) n-vertex graph H. In [1] this conjecture was disproved by presenting a connected cubic graph G on 60 vertices with γ(G) = 21 and a sequence {Gk} k=1 of connected cubic graphs with lim k→∞ γ(Gk)/|V(Gk)| ≥ 1/3 +1/69. All the counter-examples, however, had cut-edges. On the other hand, in [2] it was proved that γ(G) ≤ 4n/11 for every connected cubic n-vertex graph G with at least 10 vertices. In this note we construct a sequence of graphs {Gk}k=1 of 2-connected cubic graphs with limk→∞ γ(Gk)/|V(G k)| ≥ 1/3 +1/78, and a sequence {G′ι} ι=1∞ of connected cubic graphs where for each G′ι we have γ(G′ι)/ |V(G′ι)| > 1/3 + 1/69.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberN38
JournalElectronic Journal of Combinatorics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2008
Externally publishedYes


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