New Product Design Using Chebyshev's Inequality Based Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Z-Fuzzy QFD Method

Elif Haktanir*, Cengiz Kahraman

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


In Quality function deployment (QFD) approach, customers tend to express their needs in linguistic terms rather than exact numerical values and these needs generally contain vague and imprecise information. To overcome this challenge and to use the method more effectively for complex customer-oriented design problems, this paper introduces a novel intuitionistic Z-fuzzy QFD method based on Chebyshev's inequality (CI) and applies it for a new product design. CI provides the assignment of a more objective reliability function. The reliability value is based on the maximum probability obtained from CI. Then, the expected values of lower and upper bounds of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) numbers are determined. A competitive analysis among our firm and competitor firms and an integrative analysis for the different functions of QFD is presented. The proposed Z-fuzzy QFD method is applied to the design and development of a hand sanitizer for struggling with COVID-19.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-33
Number of pages33
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Vilnius University.


  • Chebyshev's inequality
  • interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets
  • new product design
  • quality function deployment
  • Z-fuzzy numbers


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