Multiphase lattice metamaterials with enhanced mechanical performance

Fatih Usta*, Fabrizio Scarpa, Halit S. Türkmen, Peter Johnson, Adam W. Perriman, Yanyu Chen

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47 Citations (Scopus)


We describe here the quasi-static crushing behavior of novel classes of multiphase (hybrid) hierarchical lattice metamaterials. The first class is represented by a hybrid architecture combining a hierarchical honeycomb with polyurethane foam filler, while the second is a multiphase structure produced by injecting an alginate hydrogel into the hierarchical voids of the honeycomb metamaterial. Twelve different auxetic (i.e. negative Poisson's ratio) and non-auxetic metamaterial architectures have been 3D printed and subjected to edgewise compression crushing loading. A parametric numerical analysis has been also performed using validated finite element models to identify best metamaterial architecture configurations. Configurations filled with the hydrogel showed a significant stabilization of the deformation mechanism during large deformation edgewise compression. The use of metamaterials designs with internal slots and round in the ribs also filled by polyurethane rigid semi-reticulated foam feature however significant increases in terms of specific stiffness, mean crushing force, strength and energy absorption. The enhancement is particularly evident for the hybrid lattice metamaterials auxetic configurations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number025014
JournalSmart Materials and Structures
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK.


  • Auxetics
  • Hierarchical honeycombs
  • Hybrid
  • Mechanical metamaterials
  • Multiphase
  • Quasi-static crushing behavior


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