Multifunctional and highly active zinc titanate incorporated with copper for adsorptive hot syngas desulfurization and photocatalytic dye degradation

Özlem Tuna*, Esra Bilgin Simsek, Alper Sarıoğlan, Yeliz Durak Çetin

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


Multifunctionality is of a paramount significance in the case of metal oxide-based material. In the present study, Cu-doped zinc titanates in different Cu/Zn weight ratios were prepared with co-precipitation method to utilize as an adsorbent and a photocatalysts for H2S removal and dye degradation, respectively. The structural and morphological analyses were carried out using XRD, XPS, SEM and BET. The experiment results showed that the catalysts had a desulfurization ability with the Cu/Zn weight ratio of 0.06:1, which H2S in the feed was captured with 100% efficiency in N2 atmosphere at 750 °C during 5 h, also the removal decreased to 57% in a reducing atmosphere at the end of 5 h. The appropriate Cu loading content could lead to the high active and low apparent activation energy. In addition, the Cu-based catalyst showed an excellent photocatalytic activity under UV light irradiation, which the degradation of Orange II (OII) was found to be 80% at the end of 3 h. The metal loading reduced the band-gap and increased oxygen vacancies of zinc titanate. The reactive adsorptive desulfurization and excellent photocatalytic activity results demonstrate Cu loaded zinc titanate as a promising material for multifunctional applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)388-396
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2020
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers


  • Adsorptive desulfurization
  • Orange II
  • Photocatalysis
  • Zinc titanate


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