Monte Carlo analysis of earthquake resistant R-C 3D shear wall-frame structures

Beyza Taskin*, Zeki Hasgür

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The theoretical background and capabilities of the developed program, SAR-CWF, for stochastic analysis of 3D reinforced-concrete shear wall-frame structures subject to seismic excitations is presented. Incremental stiffness and strength properties of system members are modeled by extended Roufaiel-Meyer hysteretic relation for bending while shear deformations for walls by Origin-Oriented hysteretic model. For the critical height of shear-walls, division to sub-elements is performed. Different yield capacities with respect to positive and negative bending, finite extensions of plastic hinges and P-δ effects are considered while strength deterioration is controlled by accumulated hysteretic energy. Simulated strong motions are obtained from a Gaussian white-noise filtered through Kanai-Tajimi filter. Dynamic equations of motion for the system are formed according to constitutive and compatibility relations and then inserted into equivalent Itô-Stratonovich stochastic differential equations. A system reduction scheme based on the series expansion of eigen-modes of the undamaged structure is implemented. Time histories of seismic response statistics are obtained by utilizing the computer programs developed for different types of structures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)371-399
Number of pages29
JournalStructural Engineering and Mechanics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 20 Feb 2006


  • Monte-carlo simulation
  • Non-linear analysis
  • Reinforced concrete
  • Stochastic
  • White-noise, shear wall-frame systems


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