Modeling the future of HIV in Turkey: Costeffectiveness analysis of improving testing and diagnosis

Emine Yaylali*, Zikriye Melisa Erdogan, Fethi Calisir, Deniz Gokengin, Volkan Korten, Fehmi Tabak, Yesim Tasova, Serhat Unal, Berna Ozelgun, Tahsin Gokcem Ozcagli, Toros Sahin

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Aims This study aimed to determine HIV incidence and prevalence in Turkey and to estimate the cost-effectiveness of improving testing and diagnosis in the next 20 years. Background HIV incidence in Turkey has been rapidly increasing in the last decade with a particularly high rate of infection for younger populations, which underscores the urgent need for a robust prevention program and improved testing capacity for HIV. Methods We developed a dynamic compartmental model of HIV transmission and progression among the Turkish population aged 15-64 and assessed the effect of improving testing and diagnosis. The model generated the number of new HIV cases by transmission risk and CD4 level, HIV diagnoses, HIV prevalence, continuum of care, the number of HIV-related deaths, and the expected number of infections prevented from 2020 to 2040. We also explored the cost impact of HIV and the cost-effectiveness of improving testing and diagnosis. Results Under the base case scenario, the model estimated an HIV incidence of 13,462 cases in 2020, with 63% undiagnosed. The number of infections was estimated to increase by 27% by 2040, with HIV incidence in 2040 reaching 376,889 and HIV prevalence 2,414,965 cases. Improving testing and diagnosis to 50%, 70%, and 90%, would prevent 782,789, 2,059,399, and 2,336,564 infections-32%, 85%, and 97% reduction in 20 years, respectively. Improved testing and diagnosis would reduce spending between $1.8 and $8.8 billion. Conclusions In the case of no improvement in the current continuum of care, HIV incidence and prevalence will significantly increase over the next 20 years, placing a significant burden on the Turkish healthcare system. However, improving testing and diagnosis could substantially reduce the number of infections, ameliorating the public health and disease burden aspects.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0286254
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number6 June
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Yaylali et al.


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