Late Neoproterozoic gabbro emplacement followed by early Cambrian eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Menderes Massif (W. Turkey): Implications on the final assembly of Gondwana

O. Candan*, O. E. Koralay, G. Topuz, R. Oberhänsli, H. Fritz, A. S. Collins, F. Chen

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39 Citations (Scopus)


Numerous (meta-)gabbroic dikes or stocks occur within the latest Neoproterozoic-early Cambrian series of the Menderes Massif (Anatolide-Tauride Block, western Turkey). These well-preserved rocks were locally converted into eclogitic metagabbros and garnet amphibolites along the contacts or shear zones. Both bulk-rock composition and compositions of igneous clinopyroxenes suggest continental tholeiitic affinity. U-Pb dating of igneous zircons from gabbroic rocks yielded a mean age of 563 ± 1 Ma (2σ), indicating emplacement during the latest Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran). On the other hand, rims of zircons from eclogitic metagabbro gave 535 ± 3 Ma (2σ) (early Cambrian), in addition to 558 ± 3 Ma (2σ) obtained from the igneous core of zircons. These ages are interpreted as the time of high-P metamorphism and crystallization age of gabbroic protolith, respectively. Given the estimated paleogeographic position of the Anatolide-Tauride Block during the late Neoproterozoic and early Cambrian, this orogenic event can be spatially and temporally related to the northward continuity of 600-500 Ma orogenic event (Malagasy/Kuunga orogeny) extending from western margin of India, Madagascar, via Arabia up to northern margin of Gondwana beneath thick Phanerozoic cover series in Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, the high-P evolution of the basement of the Menderes Massif and associated basic intrusions can be interpreted to mark the latest stages of consumption of the basin/oceanic branches and final amalgamation of the Gondwana during the late Neoproterozoic-early Cambrian around the Arabian region.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)158-173
Number of pages16
JournalGondwana Research
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2016

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015 International Association for Gondwana Research.


  • Eclogite
  • Gabbro
  • Malagasy/Kuunga orogeny
  • Menderes Massif
  • Turkey


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